SMS Support — The Alternative

Park Place Hardware Maintenance

Drew Teller Published: October 04, 2012

When considering Third Party Maintenance do you really get what you want with SMS support?  There are reasons for moving your support away from the OEMs and if you do, you should find a company who adds value and brings more than just your traditional break/fix support contract.

Reasons for leaving the OEMs for your hardware and OS support 

  • Support takes too long for simple issues
  • Customers want to see more value from their contract than just break/fix support, especially when the equipment doesn’t fail that often.
  • Support needs to be more flexible.
  • I don’t want to deal with big business bureaucracy.
  • Support is too expensive.

Many Third Parties have some good qualities but when taking these reasons the reasons for leaving the OEM into account, the only piece they regularly deliver on is savings. Any company can give the lowest quote but if they don’t solve any of the other issues, is it really a worth making the change?

Don’t feel like you are all alone

When looking at Third Party Maintenance, you want a company who solves all of these issues as part of their general practices.  A company such as Park Place Technologies is dedicated to only providing support contracts and has put policies in place to go above and beyond what you typically get from a support contract whether from an OEM or from a competitor.

We suggest you expect more from your contracts than just a fix when there is a problem.  That should be the primary focus but your support vendor should provide you with features and functions that show they want to be your support partner such as Park Place’s In Touch program.  You spend a lot on your contracts.  You should get a lot in return.

Don’t get sucked in to accepting sub par support.  Expect more from your provider.  Expect them to be a parter!

About the Author

Drew Teller,
Drew Teller is focused on finding the latest end of life information. Drew's interests lie in supporting IT professionals with their end of life equipment.